Welcome to PiCloud Pages !

PiCloud is a KISS Cloud solution to keep our own files on our own server.

PiCloud is written in PHP and use html5, pure javascript (no jquery) and no SQL database.

Caution : PiCloud only work on apache2 server because the apache rewrite module is required.

PiCloud features :

  • Easy installation (copy ~100ko on your web server)
  • Fast and minimalist (KISS effect : more simple, more efficient)
  • No database required
  • Responsive design for little/medium/large screens
  • AES 256 encryption file (server-side)
  • SyntaxHighlighter for web developper sources
  • Create, Edit and Remove your files/folder with single button
  • Drag and drop your files directly from your OS to your picloud interface


Authors and Contributors

PiCloud team would like to thank these people for their indirect help :

Support or Contact

Please use github feed for talking about any contribution or issue. You can also contact me at sinedchryser@gmail.com

PiCloud dream

Provide native clients for auto-synchronizing files.